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Service Overview
(Offering Face to Face or Online)



Free 30 Minute Discovery Call

I am thrilled to offer you a free 30-minute discovery call. During this call, you will have the opportunity to speak with me an experienced Rapid Transitional Therapist and discover how RTT can benefit you. RTT is a transformative approach that helps individuals overcome challenges. If you're ready to take the first step towards a happier and more fulfilling life, book your free 30-minute discovery call today. I am here to answer any questions you may have and help you get started on your journey to a better you. I cannot wait to hear from you!


45 Minute Intake Call

The intake form is an important part of the process, as it allows me to gather important information about your background, goals, and current challenges. Going through the intake form typically involves a detailed conversation between you (the client) and me (The practitioner). I will ask a series of questions designed to elicit information about your personal history, including any traumas or significant life events that may be contributing to your current challenges. I cover questions about your current behaviors, beliefs, and thought patterns, as well as your goals for the session. I will gain a comprehensive understanding of your unique situation so I can tailor the session to meet your specific needs. This may involve identifying and addressing underlying emotional blocks, limiting beliefs, or negative thought patterns that are contributing to your challenges. By working together to identify and address the root causes of your challenges, you can achieve lasting change and move forward with greater confidence and clarity.


1.5 to 2 hour RTT Session

Full Hypnosis Process



A state of relaxation and calm



Guided into a hypnotic state



Using all kinds of tools and techniques to get you to understand and explore past experiences or memories to find the route cause of your current challenges or limiting beliefs



Guiding you through a process to rewrite your challenges and thought patterns




15/20 minute Transformation recording
(Listen to a minimum of 21 days)

Bespoke audio recording designed to help you reinforce the positive changes that were achieved during your session. Specifically customized to your specific needs and goals. This may include affirmations or positive messages that are designed to reinforce the new beliefs and behaviors that were established during the session. This can help you to internalize the changes on a deeper level and make them a permanent part of your identity. This is a powerful tool for all clients, it allows you to continue the transformation process even after your session is complete. By listening to the recording regularly, you can reinforce the new beliefs and behaviors that were established during the session and continue to make progress toward your goals. ​


Follow up texts and calls
(For the 21 days)

30 minute follow up call


While Rapid Transitional Therapy (RTT) can often achieve powerful results in just one session, it's important to note that some clients may require more than one session to achieve their desired outcomes.



There are several reasons why a client may need more than one RTT session.  Complex issues: If a client is dealing with deep-seated emotional or psychological issues, it may take more than one session to fully address those issues and achieve lasting change. Multiple challenges: If a client is dealing with multiple challenges or goals, it may be more effective to address each one in a separate RTT session. Reinforcement: Even if significant progress is made during the first session, it can be helpful for some clients to have additional sessions to reinforce the positive changes and continue to build upon their progress. During the initial consultation, I will work with the client to identify their specific needs and goals and will make a recommendation regarding the number of sessions that may be required to achieve the desired outcome. It's important for clients to understand that RTT is a highly individualized process, and the number of sessions required will vary depending on the client's unique circumstances. By being open to the possibility of multiple sessions, clients can approach the RTT process with a sense of flexibility and openness and can give themselves the best possible chance of achieving lasting transformation and positive change

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